Home About Themes

Creative Digital Agency

Built modern website white clean design with SEO - flatfile cms bludit premium themes

Website Themes Template
Built modern website white clean design with SEO - flatfile cms bludit premium themes
Website Themes Template

Who we are ??

A creative website development service, for help you built and develope modern website with new technology, static site generator , single page application , progresive website app , flatfile cms, dynamic website and others. we can help you for design and develope static site generator with Jekyll , Eleventy 11ty , and astro . Single Page Application or Progresive Web App website with react , angular, svelte, blazor wam , gatsby , next, remix, sapper , svelte kit. Flatfile CMS with bludit , pico or use laravel symfony with sqlite db , Python django website , and more..

Website Themes Template

Modern Web Development

Built modern website with new technology , flatfile cms, headless cms ,headless online shop, JAMSTACK , API integration , web framework , with unique attractive design , landing page , clean design , freestyle, and others. include auto SEO injection so you can focus with your content article. let built your modern website with us.

Mobile App Development

Develope mobile website - Special development and design for mobile websites, with a display that resembles an Android or IOS application. thereby providing a great experience to your site visitors.

Point Of Sale App

Develop point of sale cashier applications for shops and restaurants to support transactions and reports available ,all in one pos app - integration website and your point of sale app.

Built modern website white clean design with SEO - flatfile cms bludit premium themes


four easy steps to order our website and application creation services.


Select Services

Choose our services, create and develop websites with static site generator technology, single page apps, progresive web app ,flat file cms, python websites, and develop your mobile applications with fullter dart, kotlin, androdi java.


Select Package

Choose a service package and adjust it to your needs, from regular, standard to premium packages with various features.


Make Payment

Make an order and make a payment, after the payment process we will work on your project according to the adjusted deadline.


Sent Files Assets

Send some supporting files such as photo images and some css , js , html assets when converting a website to another technology.

Website Themes Template


Peform and result creative agancy bludit flatfile themes template premium version with SEO optimazion.

Peform and Result

Peform and result creative agancy bludit flatfile themes template premium version with SEO optimazion.

How to install premium SEO website blog flatfile cms bludit themes template

Installation Themes

How to install premium SEO website blog flatfile cms bludit themes template

Activate SEO plugins for Optimizing your Website SEO with meta tag , twitter card and open graph.

SEO Plugins

Activate SEO plugins for Optimizing your Website SEO with meta tag , twitter card and open graph.



Creative Digital Agency Website template themes
Is design for bludit flatfile cms , include auto SEO injection and great pefrom for help you built website super fast, seo and touch all green score on google lighthouse !!
Get start now use this themes template.


Ruko Pasar Wisata Juanda Q.07
Sidoarjo - East Java
[email protected]