Darkco project is a complete set package for all in one backend and frontend.

Complete Set

Darkco project is a complete set package for all in one backend and frontend.

November 7, 2023 ~1 minute

Posted on Blog

Darkco is a complete set with a complete backend admin area for working in cms, and a frontend for displaying your modern website.

You will get :

  1. Installer set package
  2. Backend admin area
  3. Frontend area
  4. Plugins and SEO script injection
  5. It's easy to customize designs with the Darkco Design UI Plugin.
  6. Documentation
  7. And many more..

Darkco projects run on flatfile cms and do not require a database, making your website fast and secure. just upload source code project in to your hosting, run installation, and your website is live.

You can access the backend admin area by visiting your web/admin then entering username & password, to work with darkco project.

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