How to run and install darkco project in to your hosting.

Project Installation

How to run and install darkco project in to your hosting.

November 7, 2023 4 minutes

Posted on Tutorial

How to run darkco project in to your website.

For first you can order darkco project, then download source code files, after that you can upload to your hosting.

For main domain example , so you can upload on your root main domain folder , or in to public_html , if you want to run on your sub domain for example , so for first you need to add sub domain in to your hosting panel, create and add sub domain ,insert sub domain name , and upload source code project in to , and if you need to install in to directori website , for example so you can create new folder in to your hosting , and name it folder with your project, after that you can upload source code project in to your dir folder project.

run CMS installation

OK, once you have uploaded the project source code to your hosting, now you can run the installation, to do this, you can access where the darkco project source code file you uploaded. for example on main domain, sub domain or dir domain.
Next step visit your domain then you can select language for install darkco project, and push next button.

password installation

Ok, next you can enter your password to login to the backend CMS admin area. By default the installer uses admin as the user, but you can change it later to your username. Click install.

And your website is live !!

login cms

Of course we need to set up and configure your website, so to do that, you can access in the admin area, with access at, then enter the default username is admin and enter the password you created on the first installation.

dashboard admin cms

And you can see the CMS dashborad area , you canĀ  work in here for update your website.

website setup configuration

Before we get to work, we need to set up your website, so go to SETTINGS - General, and enter your title, description, tagline, etc. in this area, next you can click on social networks menu, and insert all your social media there, and clik on logo for upload your logo, then save, to update your website configuration.

Next step :

  1. Activate Plugins
  2. Grouping Article with categories
  3. Create Static Page Content
  4. Create Blog Content Article
  5. Design Your website UI

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